Please pray for the following:

…Michele Linner request prayers for a co-worker, Mary who is currently on dialysis and is waiting to see if her brother is a match for a transplant

…Janet Kleckner requests prayers for her friend, Beverly who has cancer, and prayers for her brother-in-law, Wayne

…Ashley & Dan Ward request prayers for Grandma who is recovering from last Monday’s surgery

…Kim Aupperle requests a blessing prayer for her friend, Penny Williams who graciously provided tickets for Pastor Ron and Kim to be able to attend the Leadership Summit that was held at Willow Creek earlier this month; may the Lord continue to bless Penny with His beautiful Light of Generosity, Love and Care. And Kim requests prayers that she (Kim) may share and carry this wisdom on to others as she continues to learn

…Larry & Cheryl Fournier share a correction to last week’s request: please pray for God’s healing hands for Lisa Habbley’s sister who has uterine cancer (which has not affected her cervix); prayers for the surgeon removing the affected organ; and prayers that the cancer stage is early and has not spread; also, prayers for the females in her family who need to be tested for Lynch Syndrome, as this particular family has a history of this cancer

…prayers that Jennifer Roberts and her children Connor & Parker have a safe drive back to Houston, TX this weekend (they joined us last Sunday as they were visiting in the area and Jennifer wanted her children to see her childhood church)

Please continue prayers for:

Sue Vitner, Linda White’s sister, Betty Phillips; Sue Choromokos; the LaBeau family; Louise Underwood and her son, Ray; Sharon Young; Joan and Paul Souchek; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie and Ryan; Muriel Wright; Deb Thomas’s friend, Lisa’s mother, Kathleen; Braxton Larocco; Roselee Hicks; Paisley Ann; Rev Carl Curtin; Cheri Bacon; Pauline Green’s husband, Gene; Nancy Reid; the Geheren family; for those who are suffering with mental health issues; and for those who are seeking employment