Please pray for:
…Linda Chodan’s sister, Denise. About a year ago Denise had surgery for lung cancer.  She recently had a pet scan done and found out she now has cancer of the lung lining, lymph node & adrenal glands.  She had a biopsy of the adrenal glands and is waiting for the results to determine what kind of treatment can be done
Kareen Hernandez as she recovers from last Monday’s surgery; and continue to keep Kareen’s niece, Janie, and Kareen’s mother Rose Hernandez in prayers
…Larry LaBeau’s sister, Nancy who is facing rehabilitation for a recently broken ankle/leg

Please continue prayers for the following:
…Jennifer Ladines (friend of the Agabin’s) as she prepares for chemotherapy; Lyna Michel’s mom, Ann Murphy; Linda Chodan’s mother-in-law, Gertrude’s healing and recovery of a broken hip; Evy Markowski’s relative, Betsy Kitzman as she continues to battle breast cancer; Judy Lange’s daughter, Debby and her family, and for Brittany’s healthy pregnancy (due March 21); Teagan, the 15-yr.-old granddaughter of the Himebaugh’s friend, Joyceanne–Teagan is battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma; Al Jones; Maylo & Dick’s son-in-law, Robert Szczepanski; Eleanor & Joe Kilberger; Nathan (8 yr. old child, diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor); Sue Vitner; Lorraine Taylor; Kim Aupperle’s mom, Genevieve Swanson; Blanch Valeria and Cheri Bacon (Sue Pedersen’s neighbors and good friends); Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie & Ryan; Deb Thomas’s friend, Sue, and Kathleen (the mother of Deb’s friend, Lisa); Braxton Larocco; Rev Carl Curtin;  the Geheren Family; Sue Huhta (Judy Lantinen’s sister); all persons suffering with mental health issues; and for all those who are seeking employment

Please keep the following in your thoughts and prayers:
Linda White and family. Linda’s sister, Betty Phillips passed away on February 9th
Pauline Green and family. Pauline’s husband Gene passed away on February 5th
Melissa and Mike Wasz.  Their young son, Mason Wasz passed away after having been hospitalized a few days ago. (the Wasz’s are friends of the Kukreja’s)