‘Passed away’, ‘went to Heaven’, ‘at peace’, ‘bit the dust’, ‘ bought the farm’ or ‘kicked the bucket’. Or how about this: ‘took his last bow’, ‘sang her last song’, or ‘ate his last burger’. These terms are ways to avoid the word Death. But Death is a very important topic. End-of-life issues and options are important to think about, especially before there is a crisis. Most of us are aware of things such as ‘Do Not Resuscitate’, and ‘Hospice’, but few have made conscious choices, have had the conversation with our loved ones, and actually have the paperwork to reflect our wishes. Join Pastor Ron and Linda Mullen for “Death Over Dinner” on April 30th where we won’t ‘have the conversation’, but we will ‘learn how to have the conversation.’  The dinner will begin at 1:30pm at the Pinecrest Golf Club in Huntley.  Family members, friends and neighbors are all invited to attend. The cost is $27.50 per person. (checks  payable to Christ United Methodist Church, and write “Death Over Dinner” on the memo line). Use the green registration form in Sunday’s bulletin. Place your registration form with your check either in the offering plate on Sunday or in the basket on the church secretary’s desk. Registrations should be turned in no later than April 23rd. Please don’t let the cost be a hindrance to attending this event—contact Pastor Ron for more information.  If you have any questions about this event, contact Linda Mullen.