Stomping out Hunger one Step at a Time at the CARDUNAL (Carpentersville, Dundee and Algonquin areas) Hunger Walk this October 15th, 2017.  This year’s Crop Walk will be hosted by the Congregational Church of Algonquin and will have some exciting changes that will interest all to participate in the Walk. The CARDUNAL walk is inviting walkers, runners, bikers, dogs and cheerleaders; and will also include a flexible route for participants to customize their mileage from 5k (3.1 miles) to 10k (6.2 miles) on the beautiful Prairie Trail.
At this time, the CARDUNAL TEAM is seeking individuals who want to participate in any of the following four ways:

  • Walkers
  • Sponsors of Walkers
  • Cheerleaders
  • Donations of water/snacks

The next time you’re at church, please fill in a Crop Walk Pledge Form (you’ll find a form in your Sunday bulletin or on the secretary’s desk in the church office).  You can either put your form in the Sunday morning collection plate or leave it in the pledge form basket on Judy’s desk.
Please refer to the Mission Team’s bulletin board (by pastor’s office) for details of location, times and contact information for any questions.
If you’re interested in anyway please fill out the pledge form or contact either Kim Aupperle at or anyone on the Mission Team–all would be glad to help you!
We look forward to seeing you participate in this worthwhile event and help Stomp out Hunger!
May God Bless this event and you! Your Mission Team