With recent flooding, some have asked the Northern Illinois Conference Office where to turn for assistance or how they can help. Our Conference Disaster Response Coordinator Rev. Christina Vosteen is working with state officials, the Red Cross, UMCOR  and district Disaster Response Coordinators on an organized response to the recent flooding that has spread across the state.  Flood buckets will be delivered to affected areas and a special session is being planned soon to train volunteers in basement mucking. Watch the eNews and conference NIC Disaster Response Facebook page for up-to-the- minute information.
Meanwhile, donations may be made through your local church to UMCOR Advance #901670 or to NIC Disaster Response by mailing checks and write in the memo: Advance #50000148
Mail to:
Northern Illinois Conference
PO Box 5646
Carol Stream, IL 60197-5646

When a disaster hits, here are the first four steps to take:

  1. Let your DS know of your local status and needs
  2. Monetary contributions can be made to the NIC Disaster Response fund or UMCOR. 
  3. Once waters have receded, we can help organize a cleanup and volunteers
  4. If churches want cleanup training, it can be provided. Contact your district disaster response coordinator or DS. 

Click here for more on NIC Disaster Response steps, contacts and resources.
