Have you completed a Crop Walk Pledge Form? If not, won’t you fill one in the next time you’re at church?  The CARDUNAL CROP WALK TEAM is asking for commitments from those who want to participate in one or more of the following ways:

1) being a walker

2) sponsoring a walker

3) being a cheerleader

4) providing donations of water/snacks for the walk

This year’s CARDUNAL CROPWALK will be hosted by the Congregational Church of Algonquin on October 15th.  The walk is inviting walkers, runners, bikers, dogs and cheerleaders; and will also include a flexible route for participants to customize their mileage from 5k (3.1 miles) to 10k (6.2 miles) on the beautiful Prairie Trail. Details about the walk can be found on the Mission Team’s bulletin board by pastor’s office.  If you have any questions, contact either Kim Aupperle or any of the members of the Mission Team. Pledge forms can be found in your Sunday bulletin or on the desk in the church office.
