There are some simple ways we can make a difference in the extent of world hunger.  We can join the CROP walk on October 15 and show others that we want things to change.  We can help with the registration process.   We can give any amount ($1.00 on up) as a contribution to one of the walkers. We can contribute online and support all the walkers of our church.  We can encourage others to donate.   We can pray that the causes of hunger are diminished and eliminated.  We can ask God for guidance in what we personally can do.

The community CROP Walk will be October 15, 2017; registration starts at 1:00, and the actual walk begins at 1:30.  The walk starts at the Congregational Church, 109 Washington Street, in Algonquin.  The walk follows Prairie Trail near the Fox River.  This is a three to six mile walk, but it’s possible to walk a shorter distance.  One can turn around at any point, or even wait for the CROP Walk car to pick you up and take you back to the church. Children and youth can participate with strollers, tricycles, bicycles.  You can even bring your dog.  Last year 120,000 people participated in one of a thousand walks, raising over $10,000,000.  The walkers from CUMC raised $1798.75 in 2016, and we’d like to raise $2000 in 2017.

CROP Walks are coordinated by Church World Services, and the specific plans are made by cooperative efforts of representatives of local churches.   The local walk, the CARDUNAL CROP Walk, is chaired by our own Kimberly Aupperle.    The name stands for three communities: Carpentersville, Dundee and Algonquin. 

We encourage everyone to join the walk.  It’s a good way to tell observers that all kinds of people—young and old, rich and poor, athletes and less fit, entire families and individuals, partisan and nonpartisan—are unified in their desire and efforts to end hunger.    We happen to believe that it is especially important for children and youth to participate.  It’s a good way for children to learn that they can make a difference.   An anonymous donor has pledged $10 contribution for each person 18 and younger who participates.   Being part of this walk is a good way for a family to enjoy a free, healthy, family activity which will benefit others.

If for some reason you cannot participate in the walk, there’s still plenty you can do to help.   We certainly can use people helping with the event (with registration, with water distribution, and other tasks that afternoon).   If you want to be a “helper,” please contact Kim Aupperle.    And, we do need individuals to sponsor walkers.   Each team of walkers has an envelope, and you can contact any of them before or after worship.   The walkers will be wearing stick-on labels, and that should make it easy for you to identify the CUMC walkers each Sunday.  You may also check the list of walkers on the bulletin board near the pastor’s office.

Donations may be made by writing a check or by contributing online.  If you wish to support a specific walker, then you can write a check made payable to CROP Walk or to Church World Service, and give it to the specific walker.  If you prefer to donate online, then your support will be credited to this local church.   Online donations are possible, simply click here for the donation page for Christ United Methodist Church.  

Twenty-five percent of the money raised in this walk will benefit two local food pantries and a local PADS.  Seventy-five percent of the money will be used to fight world hunger by providing clean water, seeds, plants and start-up livestock.   Church World Service is affiliated with 37 Christian denominations and it has a proven track record with a 4 star (maximum rating) from Charity Navigator.   If you would like to register for the walk, if you have questions, or if you would like to help in the walk in some way, please email Kimberly Aupperle.  Email:

 From your CUMC Mission Team
