In just two weeks most of us will be feasting, eating a lot more than our doctor recommends.   As you complete your shopping list, please pick up a few items for our monthly food pantry collection.  (remember that if you’d rather give money, you can make your check out to Christ United Methodist Church, and then write “Alg.LITH food pantry” in the memo-line.)
As you complete your travel plans, please remember the homeless in our community.   On any given night in McHenry County there are 167 homeless.  Throughout the year last year there were 625 homeless at some point during the year.   Twenty-eight percent of the homeless are children.   The Mission Team is collecting items for personal needs of the homeless: handwarmers, travel size shampoo/conditioners/lotion, hand soap, razors, shaving cream, deodorant and washcloths.   Please buy one item this month for the PADS participants.
As you complete your blessing list, please pray for those who struggle making a list.   Please listen to that small voice from your heart.
Christ United Methodist Mission Team