Be sure to take the coupon with you when you go to Colonial Cafe (2555 Bunker Hill Road in Algonquin) for our Church Fundraiser on Tuesday, January 15th, from 11am until 9pm.  And share the coupon with your friends, and neighbors, too!

We are having a church fundraiser at the Colonial Café located at 2555 Bunker Hill Road in Algonquin on Tuesday, January 15th from 11am until 9pm.  Because we are a smaller group, it’s important that we all support this fundraiser…we were ‘borderline’ in making the cut for being allowed to participate in this type of event, so let’s all make this a great event and invite as many people as possible!

  • Be sure to take the coupon with you when you go (see below).  Coupons are also available in the church bulletin on Sunday, and you’ll also find extra copies in the revolving kiosk in the narthex at church.  Be sure to take some extra coupons and pass them out to your friends and neighbors (or print the coupon below).
  • When you are paying your bill at the restaurant, simply present the coupon and be sure to remind the cashier to drop your receipt in the tub for credit to our group – the receipt bucket is now kept BEHIND the register.  And don’t worry, if you forget this information you will find that the instructions for the fundraiser are printed right on the coupon!